"To do" suggestions..
Some suggestions to keep you busy while enjoying your comfortable accommodation in Rocklands, Cederberg
One day stay
Do the Waterfall or Kloof Trails – takes about 2 hours - swim at the waterfall
Two day stay
Do Waterfall or Kloof Trails– takes about 2 hours
Visit Sevilla Rock art trail at Travellers Rest – about 2 hours – Brochure at the office
​Three day stay
Do Waterfall Trail or Kloof Trails– takes about 2 hours
Visit Sevilla Rock art trail at Travellers Rest – about 2 hours – Brochure at the office
Take a drive to the historic village of Wupperthal – 45km drive of which 30km is gravel road – allow about 1.5 hours for driving.More info at the office
More things to choose from
Visit the winery at Alpha Excelsior for wine tasting: 8:00 – 17:00 weekdays.Please ask office to book a tasting over weekends.
Swim in the farm dam at the campsite
Bass fishing at neighboring farm – ask at office
Visit the famous Muisbosskerm Open air restaurant on the beach in Lamberstbay (90km) for a seafood buffet like you have not ever imagined. Ask office to book in advance.
Elandsberg Eco Tours (45km) – see how Rooibos is cultivated – book at the office
Donkie Cart Trips (6 hours) into the mountain operated by Heuningvlei community – please book in advance at the office.Stunning scenery.Option to overnight in Heuningvlei or return the same day.
Biedouw Valley 4x4 route at Mertenhof Farm (20km) – for the adventure seeker –please book at the office
Breakfast at the Hen House at Alpha Excelsior Farm: ( Mid May to September only) – just pop in after 8:00
Visit the Biedouw Valley for the annual wild flower floral wonder – absolutely stunning – (June/July) – ask more info at the office
Do the Heuningvlei walking trail at the top of the pass – most scenic in the Western Cape. (ask at Office)